Saurab Prasher

Highly Motivated and Detail-Oriented Full Stack Developer

About Me

I recently graduated with a postgraduate certificate in Information Technology Solutions from Humber College, and I am seeking an entry-level position in software development. With over 4 years of experience in application development, I specialize in creating responsive, user-centric web solutions using React, Next.js, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. I am also proficient in back-end technologies like Node.js, Express, and Spring Boot, and have experience with MongoDB. My journey in web development began with a strong fascination for UI and UX principles and the endless possibilities they offer. Over the years, I have worked on numerous projects that have deepened my passion for creating scalable, efficient, and secure applications. I thrive in Agile environments, collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality software solutions. One of my notable projects is NutriServe, a scalable full-stack application for meal planning and subscriptions. This project showcases my ability to design user-friendly interfaces, implement secure REST APIs, and manage robust data systems. You can view the live project here: NutriServe. I am always eager to learn new technologies and take on new challenges. Scroll down to see more of my work and the projects I've been involved in.


Front-End Technologies: HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript React Next.js Styled Components Tailwind CSS Back-End Technologies: Node.js Express Java Spring Boot Databases: MongoDB Mongoose MySQL Oracle Redis Cloud Services: MongoDB Atlas AWS CDK Azure DevOps & Version Control: Docker Git GitHub CI/CD pipelines
My main goals when building web apps are -

  • Developing blazing fast web applications for seamless user interaction.
  • Mobile-first, responsive design layout for all devices is a top priority.
  • Constantly continues to learn new technologies and keeping up-to-date with the freshest trends.
  • React+redux


    From Ecommerce store to static templates and startup websites, built using technologies like React, Gatsby, Firebase, Styled Components, Redux, HTML& SASS.

    • Desktop
    • Mobile